10. Training the Network

07 Training The Network V1

Cross-Entropy Loss

In the PyTorch documentation , you can see that the cross entropy loss function actually involves two steps:

  • It first applies a softmax function to any output is sees
  • Then applies NLLLoss ; negative log likelihood loss

Then it returns the average loss over a batch of data. Since it applies a softmax function, we do not have to specify that in the forward function of our model definition, but we could do this another way.

Another approach

We could separate the softmax and NLLLoss steps.

  • In the forward function of our model, we would explicitly apply a softmax activation function to the output, x .
# a softmax layer to convert 10 outputs into a distribution of class probabilities
x = F.log_softmax(x, dim=1)

return x
  • Then, when defining our loss criterion, we would apply NLLLoss
# cross entropy loss combines softmax and nn.NLLLoss() in one single class
# here, we've separated them
criterion = nn.NLLLoss()

This separates the usual criterion = nn.CrossEntropy() into two steps: softmax and NLLLoss, and is a useful approach should you want the output of a model to be class probabilities rather than class scores.